
Appart Laijola

Route and arrival in Gaschurn

Your arrival at Appart Laijola

Having been sent detailed travel information in advance, you will be welcomed on arrival by our hostess Nicole. She takes care of a smooth check-in and is available for general questions.

Our reception is open from 16.00 - 18.00.

For any questions regarding your arrival at Laijola, you can reach us on the dedicated telephone number, which you will receive 2 weeks before arrival. For all questions prior to departure, we can be reached at +43 (0) 5558 8655.

We wish you a safe trip to Gaschurn.

Travelling to Appart Laijola

Travelling by car to Gaschurn

Pfänder Tunnel - Rheintal Autobahn A14 - Amberg Tunnel - exit Bludenz/Montafon - L 188.
Do not forget the mandatory vignette (toll) in Austria. Austrian Autobahn Vignette - valid for 10 days. You can purchase these online in advance from the German postal service (Deutsche Post), from automobile clubs, and from the Austrian Tourism office in London, but also at the Austrian border crossings, petrol stations, and other points of sale.

The route planner to Gaschurn.

Electric car charging station: Montafonerstraße 67d, Gaschurn (map)


Arrival by plane

Via Zurich, Munich, Innsbruck or Friedrichshafen. The closest airport to Appart Laijola is Friedrichshafen and is 93km away.

Travelling to Appart Laijola by train

Via Bludenz to Schruns - 20 min. Use for the last miles to Gaschurn a bus or taxi.


Appart Laijola

A Unter Trantrauas 67 b
6793 Gaschurn
Vorarlberg / Austria
Reservations: +43 (0) 5558 8655
Monday - Friday 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday 10:00 - 17:00.


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Zoover review score 9.1 out of 10 Appart Laijola 2023
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